Sunday, March 22, 2020

3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview

3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been asked in for a panel interview. Maybe you’re intimidated. Maybe terrified. Maybe you’re not even sure you know what that actually entails. Whatever your level of trepidation, here are three easy steps to getting through your panel interview calmly and in one piece. Step 1: BEFOREYou have the right to ask who will be on your panel. Do this. Then research each panel member to the best of your ability. You’ll be able to figure out quite a bit and prepare better for what each might be most keen to ask you. What does this particular group of people tell you about what the company is trying to assess?You can also ask how long (roughly) the interview should last. This will give you a good feeling for how much back-and-forth discussion will be possible, how much space you’ll be given to ask questions, how long your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURINGTreat each person on the panel like a person- not just another nameless face. This is not an imper sonal wall asking you questions. Each interviewer on your panel is another opportunity to make a human connection and convince that many more people in the company what a great fit you would be.Be sure to take note of everybody’s name as they are introduced. Write each one down if that helps you remember. When answering questions, speak directly to the individual who asked, but then try and broaden your answer out to make the rest of the panel feel included in the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve learned their names and made an effort to connect with each panel member- now thank each one of them sincerely with  solid eye contact and a quality handshake. After that, it’s the usual post-interview follow-up procedure. But remember that you need to write one thank you note for each panel member. It seems like a pain, but it’s these little touches that will help set you apart.The panel interview: 6 tips for before, during, and after

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Steam Boats essays

Steam Boats essays Robert Fulton started the very first commercially successful steamboat service in America. His steam-powered paddleboat, the Clermont, sailed up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany in August of 1807. This trip lasted 32 hours The first steamboats were demonstrated in1787. They were used on the river ways to bring cargo, cotton, sugar, and people to their destinations. The steamboat played a major part in the population growth. The steamboats were usually made of wood and were all kinds of sizes. They looked like giant floating houses with large smokestacks and paddlewheels. They were used for carrying people and supplies up and down the river. Steamboats were later used as show boats for entertainment. The purchase of Louisiana in 1803 made New Orleans a part of the U.S. and opened the door to gamblers. The high life so popular in New Orleans spread north which ushered in the era of the riverboat gambler. By 1820, 69 steamboats were operating the western rivers. And by 1860, that number had increased to 735. These steamboats were christened "floating palaces with luxurious quarters, world class food well stoked bars and wealthy passengers. In1937 riverboat travel entered the passenger boat era. Calliopes were used on the boats to let people know that the boat was docked. The name "calliope" comes from the Greek goddess "muse of sound." The paddle wheels were mounted either on the side or back of the boat. After the Civil War, the stern (back of the boat) paddle wheel was most popular. Although the paddle wheel is very large it draws just a few feet of water. The wheel spins about 18 times a minute with only four planks in the water for best speed. A steamboat travels about 15 miles an hour and 16 to 17 miles an hour on a swift river. The very first paddle boats ran on wood. Coal replaced wood in 1860 and oil replaced coal in 1950. Many of the earl steamboats b ...